
74. Somebody Feed Phil

This week, hosts Tom Zalatnai (@tomzalatnai) and Teffer Adjemian (@tefferbear) talk about Phil Rosenthal’s Netflix Food Travel series, Somebody Feed Phil! We break down the things we love about this joy-filled culinary romp, the way it serves as an optimistic take on Anthony Bourdain’s work, and the beauty of seeing tender masculinity & “soft dorky dad” energy in a piece of food media.

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172. The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

Kadi and Teffer talk 2009, love triangles, and Twilight references in the Amazon Prime show & the book it’s based on! There’s a reason Netflix passed on this one.. Support…

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Ep 104 – Don’t Look Up (2021) with Reba Ollerhead

“What do these trillions of dollars even matter if we’re all gonna die?”

This week join Tuong and comet conspirator (not actually) Reba Ollerhead as they talk about discovering the joys of cross-stiching, how to spend your last 6 months on Earth, and a star-studded, meta-commentary, film that has a giant rock hurdling towards the planet – Don’t Look Up (2021).

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Ep 98 – Last Night in Soho (2021) with Taylor Fleming

“I’ve got this kind of gift. I can see people, places. Things others can’t.”

This week join Tuong and a guy who thinks he’s living in the 60’s (Taylor Fleming) as they chat about Chris Pratt voice-casted as Garfield (yuck), Pokemon Go but Harry Potter, the new Animal Crossing update, and our movie of the week – Edgar Wright’s new hyper stylized film… Last Night in Soho (2021)!

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Ep 94 – Squid Game (2021)

“My town called that game the Squid Game.”

This week join Tuong as he does a belated post-Thanksgiving episode because it’d be crazy not to do an episode of the South Korean Netlfix mega hit – Squid Game! Featuring special guest…just Tuong?!

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Ep 79 – Bo Burnham: Inside (2021) with Justin Otto

“There it is. That funny feeling.”

From viral YouTube star to award winning film director, singer songwriter, comedian, etc. Bo Burnham is one of the most uniquely talented individuals in entertainment today. Juggling the fine line between comedy and music, he somehow finds a way to make you laugh, cry, and contemplate the f*cked up world we live in today while also making you bob your head to some of the catchiest original tunes. So join Tuong and Love is…’s Justin Otto as they talk and gush about Bo’s latest Netflix special which he edited, directed, shot, performed all by himself: Inside.

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Ep 72 – Love and Monsters (2020) with Adam Jasim

“Don’t Settle. You Don’t Have To. Even At The End Of The World.”

Generally post-apocalyptic movies can all start to feel the same and are usually kind of a big bummer (we imagine that’s partly because it’s about the end of the world and all that…). Luckily, this week’s movie somehow creates a fresh spin to the genre with plenty of laughs, action, heart, and charm! So join Tuong and producer, DJ, vocalist, and Giant Crab Monster Adam Jasim as they journey across the land to kick ass in the name of romance while talking about 2020’s Love and Monsters!

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Ep 65 – The Platform (2019) – with Jesse Bergen

“There are three types of people: Those at the top, those at the bottom, and those who fall.”

There have been many films that have tried to provide social commentary on status and class in such a way that it’s almost become it’s own sub-genre of movies. And while Parasite has popularized this sub genre in such a way that it set up a very a high bar for movies to follow, there is still room for these types of movies to say something new to add to the conversation. This week join Tuong La and The Insatiable Jesse Bergen as they brace their appetites talking about the Spanish Thriller film about a vertical platform, hunger, and the most ill-conceived prison system – Netflix’s The Platform!

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Episode 3 – Secrets

Featuring Andrea Marston (The Second City, Great Callback), Chris Middleton (Parton & Pearl, Riverdale Rude Dudes), and Carley Thorne (Uber & Klonk, I Be Like). The panel discusses dating during quarantine and taking pride in…

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Ep 47 – Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018) with Gisela Peters

Week 2 of PodCavern’s Spookening begins!

Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Asa Butterfield, Michael Sheen, and Margot Robbie all in a Comedy/Horror/Hogwarts like setting fighting a horde of evil creatures? How could this movie not be good?! (Spoilers: it’s not) So join us this week as we have Pumpkin Scarecrow Gisela Peters stop by the PodCavern to discuss 2018’s Slaughterhouse Rulez!

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