
103 – Top 5 90’s Songs

Pull up those overalls and throw on your neon tracksuits because this week we are going back to the 90’s!
Aiight home skillet, do we have the episode for YOU today! The musical era of the 90’s was, to say the least, an interesting and defining decade of what music would eventually become. Moving away from the whiny guitars and synth we got from the 80’s, we started transitioning into a variety of different sounds from the rising popularity of Pop, Hip-Hop, R&B, Grunge, and Ska/Punk. We also got our fair share of boys band and pop groups too! So this week join Tuong La and Phat and Fly guests Axandre Lemours, Colleen Wang, and Victoria Luloff as they rank ‘all that and a bag of chips’ while discussing Top 5 90’s songs!

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95 – Top 5 Science Fiction Technology

Beam me up Scotty!

The world of science fiction has introduced some truly amazing futuristic tech gizmos that real life technology always seemed so dull in comparison. It is no wonder that scientists and tech geeks have done their darndest to recreate some of this sci-fi tech in the real world (to some varying success). This week, join Tuong La and The Constant Struggle’s Brie Watson, Nick Watson, and Dan Dingwall as they warp speed ahead to creating a Top 5 Science Fiction Technology list!

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