
Disney Homies #1 – Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (1997)

HO HO HO! Welcome to our first episode in our brand new limited series run…Disney Homies! That’s right, the Disney Dummies are tackling the cream of of the crop of Disney’s direct to home video offerings and we are starting out with a fitting one to ring in the yuletide season. So join us this week, as we travel back to Beast’s Castle and talking inanimate objects with Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (1997).

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170 – Top 5 X-Men Characters

To me, my X-Men!

What’s there to say that hasn’t already been said about the X-Men? They are easily some of comic books most recognizable teams and for good reason! Not only is it consistently telling quality stories about marginalized groups and discrimination in the form of superheroes, but it also has had a myriad of movies, video games, tv shows, and more! Now the X-Men haven’t always had a home run when it comes to it’s movies, but with the recent boom of the X-Men ’97 TV show we’d be remiss not to talk about all the cool mutants that are in this beloved property. So join Tuong and his Brotherhood of Mutant Weirdos Angus MacDonald, Rich Hilborn, and Taylor Fleming as they mind meld their brains in Cerebro and come up with a Top 5 X-Men Characters list! 

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143 – Top 5 Disney Animated Feature Films

It is a CROSSOVER special in today’s episode of Ranked! For the past few years, the Disney Dummies went on a mission to watch every single Disney Animated Feature in chronological order, discuss them at length, argue about the merits of the movie, shared fun facts, talked about which characters had f*ck energy, and so much more. Flash forward to present day where they have finally caught up and it’s about time to make a definitive list of which movies are the best! So join the Disney Dummies (Tuong La, Laura Gordon, Samantha Leggatt, and Brad Sales) as they use that Disney magic to make a Top 5 Disney Animated Feature Films list! 

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DD30 – Beauty and the Beast (1991)

It should come as no surprise that a tale as old as time should be just as good thirty years later. The Dummies invite you to be our guest as we journey from a little town (it’s a quiiiiet village!) to an enchanted castle and take on one of Disney’s all-time classics, Beauty and the Beast.

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E48 – The Beast from Mars (A Short Story by Leslie Cserepy)

This week on The Improv Punch Up we have no guests so you know what that means…it’s time for a weird gimmick episode! This time the boys read a short story written by our very own Leslie Cserepy. In this version the boys tell the story of the brave Captain Thundercock and his crew as they land on Mars and are accosted by a strange and terrible creature. This story has more heart and shit than you’d expect!

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E46 – Bwah Bwah Bwah Bwaaaaaahhhhhh! (Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Reboot)

On this explosive episode of The Improv Punch Up, we have the A-Team’s very own Samantha Leggatt joining ALL THREE Punch-Up hosts! This week we see what the MCU can bring to the opening of The Beauty and the Beast, discover if the lions of Pride Rock really need Simba, and Enzo gets what he always wanted for his birthday…. A “Yo MaMa Battle”!

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