
186 – Top 5 All Time Classic Memes

Thanks for the meme-ories.

Memes have become a universal language of the internet, capturing our shared experiences and showcasing them in amusing ways. And while there are new memes popping up every second of every day, there are some that have pushed past the noise and solidified it’s place on the internet hall of fame. So join Tuong La and Meme Lords Emma Currie, Braeden Etienne, and Jacob Barrick as they scour all corners of the internet to come up with a Top 5 All Time Classic Memes List.

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185 – Top 5 Prehistoric Animals

In a land before time…

Dinosaurs? Overrated! Okay, maybe not completely because we actually did an incredible episode ranking Dinosaurs years ago…but there’s a whole world of amazing prehistoric creatures beyond the T-Rex. So join Tuong and PAL-eontologists Desiree Connors Warmington, Geoff McBride, and Catherine Ballachey as they journey back in time to an era ruled by some of the most fascinating creatures that roamed the Earth and rank Top 5 Prehistoric Animals.

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184 – Top 5 Video Games of 2024

It’s our final, epic Game of the Year ranking!

For the past 8 years, we’ve celebrated the awesome power that is video games with our GOTY deliberations. We’ve witnessed the gaming landscape change drastically over the years, but through thick and thin, we’ve delivered Top 5 lists of our favourite gaming experiences through rowdy and passionate debates. What makes PodCavern’s GOTY lists special? They’re crafted not by a gaming publication, YouTube/Twitch channel, or sponsored by a third party, but by everyday gamers who simply love video games and talking about them. We’ve gladly poured our blood, sweat, and pixels into this process year after year, playing games like it’s our job (it’s not!), just to create these lists, celebrate the medium, and frankly, have an excuse to nerd out about a topic that is near and dear to our hearts.

But now as this podcast is coming to an end, the day has come for us to rest, put down the controller, and make space for others to marathon video games and create their own lists. But not before one last victory lap! Join Tuong La and Gaming Legends Angus MacDonald, Ethan Howieson, and Mathew Whalley as they ‘press start’ together once more to rank Top 5 Video Games of 2024!

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183 – Top 5 Taylor Swift Songs

End of an Era…literally.

As Taylor Swift’s epic Eras Tour comes to a close, we’re taking a moment to celebrate the magic, the memories, and of course, the music from this beloved multi-talented icon. There are few artists that come to mind that have been able to capture the hearts and minds of their fans like Taylor has with her music. Her ability to combine her poetic brilliance with her ever evolving music has shaped her into the superstar sensation that she is today.  So join Tuong La and fellow Swifties Laura Gordon, Amanda Gulka-Armstrong, and Kayla Snyder as they dive deep into all the eras of this legendary pop artist and rank Top 5 Taylor Swift Songs.

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182 – Top 5 Disney Songs

When you rank upon a star…

In celebration of Disney Dummies x Pixar Pals crossing our 100th episode, we decided to make one last crossover with Ranked doing what we do best! In this episode, we’re taking on the enchanting task of ranking music that has captured the minds and hearts of Disney Dummies across the world. From heartfelt ballads to magical melodies, we’re diving into the music that has defined generations and sparked countless singalongs. So join Tuong La and Disney Dummies x Pixar Pals Laura Gordon, Samantha Leggatt, and Bradley Sales as they step up onto Pride Rock, rub a magic genie lamp, and rank Top 5 Disney Songs.

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181 – Top 5 70’s Songs

Get your groove on!

Throughout our time on this show we have listened and ranked A LOT of music spanning from  the 80’s, 90’s, 2000’s, and the 2010’s. So where do we go from here? Backwards of course! It’s time to end our pentalogy of ranking decades of music by boogying on down to the 70’s. The 70’s was a big turning point for contemporary music, elevating genres such as rock, reggae, funk, folk, and of course disco! The innovations from this decade set new standards for artistic freedom and creativity while being a powerful force for entertainment and social change. Suffice to say the 70’s was, in fact, cool beans. So hang loose with Tuong La and foxy friends Axandre Lemours, Colleen Wang, and Victoria Luloff as they stick it to the man one more time and bang out a dynamite Top 5 70’s Songs list!

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180 – Top 5 Cults

You are not prepared. 

On our final Halloween special of Ranked, we dive into the dark side of the internet to unravel the eerie mysteries of some of the most insidious groups on Earth. From twisted charismatic leaders to money gouging schemes to mass murders, we explore the sinister side of human beliefs and the rippling effects that come from it. So join Tuong and Level 5 PodCavern Worshippers Patricia Eddu, Stefanie McBurns, and Stenley Philippe as they journey through chilling real world stories so they can rank Top 5 Cults.

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179 – Top 5 Candy Aisle Chocolate

Trick or Treat!

For our Halloween special this year, we are heading back into the candy aisle to debate once and for all the best chocolates to satisfy our devilish sweet tooth. So join Tuong La and Chocolate Chums Rob Lewin & Cas Knihnisky (Corpse), and Emily Vance (The Phlegmies) as they creep their way into a fang-tastic debate and rank Top 5 Candy Aisle Chocolate!

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178 – Top 5 Time Travels

Great Scott!

Time travel is a storytelling device that has been used in countless pieces of fiction, pop culture, movies, and more that has always added an extra wrinkle to a story for better or worse. Who among us hasn’t wished they could turn back the clock, face off with a dark gritty version of our future self, ride in the DeLorean, or be stuck in a time loop for all eternity until we learned a valuable lesson?! So join Tuong La and Future Cassie Pyatt, Present Gill Manchee, and Past Justin Otto as they get take a trip through time to rank Top 5 Time Travels!

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177 – Top 5 Fictional Swords


Welcome to a world of legends, where the mightiest weapons aren’t just forged from steel, but from the imaginations of countless storytellers. From blades that wield mystical powers to those steeped in prophecy, these badass swords have become as famous as the heroes who wield them and captured our hearts and minds across movies, game, books, etc. So join Tuong La and Podcast Knights Justin Godelie (Pull the Plug), Jordan Godelie (Benko Pet Treats), and Tom Zalatnai (No Bad Food) as they slice and dice their way to making a Top 5 Fictional Swords list! 

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