
EP111 – Thick Necks and Thin Skin

Sal works on a story around Super City’s newest serial killer, The Haberdasher Slasher, while Angus discusses the finer points of skin donation. The guys are then visited by the sickly Weebly Creezer (Josh Mayo), a former resident of a local experimental lab.

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135 – Top 5 Fictional Drugs

Say no to drugs (unless you are ranking them).

After a well deserved break in the PodCavern, we are back to full power to do what we do best on this show – ranking!

Drugs can be a hard thing to talk about as the word often has some mixed connotations to it. That’s why we won’t pretend we are experts on the real thing and will rank drugs based on things we DO know – FICTION! So this week join Tuong and The Sonar Network/That’s How I Remember It’s Michael Mongiardi, John Richardson, and Raul Delgado as they get high on life and inject a Top 5 Fictional Drugs list into your veins/ears.

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130 – Top 5 Movies of 2021

Wait did any movies even come out last year?

The pandemic has made the timing of movie releases weird. Movies endlessly have been getting delayed and it really seemed like nothing came out in 2021. With the Oscars coming up, y’know the most prestigious awards show nobody watches, we once again took it upon ourselves to reflect on if there was anything even worth watching or talking about for this year’s best movie podcast. The answer was YES! Even in a sea of delayed films, there was a number of great stuff that came out last year that supplied that much-needed escapism that only movies can provide, transporting our minds away from the harsh reality of real life and into a world of imagination and wonder. So join Tuong and Movie Lovers Nivala Maharaj, Jesse Anderson, and Alyssa Wooldridge as they binge all the films from last year to bring you a Top 5 Movies of 2021 list!

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Ep 97 – Alien (1979) with Paul JP

“This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.”

This week join Tuong and King of The Spooks Paul JP as they talk about a movie-a-day of spooky movies in October,  Sonic the Hedgehog erotica, Guy Fieri walking you down the aisle at your wedding, and our movie of the week – the all time classic sci-fi/horror 1979’s Alien!

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Ep 88 – Free Guy (2021) with Matt Malcolm

“Don’t have a good day, have a GREAT day”.

Join Tuong and special guest Matt Malcolm as they check out Canadian Heart Throb Ryan Reynold’s latest action packed video game comedy – 2021’s Free Guy!

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Ep 43 – Mulan (2020) with Whitney Chen

Let’s get down to business!

The long awaited and multiply delayed live-action remake of Mulan is finally here (for a 30 dollar cost), and has been met with VERY mixed emotions. So join Tuong La and special guest Whitney Chen as they ‘bring honour’ to the PodCavern and talk about all the things good, bad, and controversial about 2020’s Mulan!

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