beauty and the beast

Disney Homies #1 – Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (1997)

HO HO HO! Welcome to our first episode in our brand new limited series run…Disney Homies! That’s right, the Disney Dummies are tackling the cream of of the crop of Disney’s direct to home video offerings and we are starting out with a fitting one to ring in the yuletide season. So join us this week, as we travel back to Beast’s Castle and talking inanimate objects with Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (1997).

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182 – Top 5 Disney Songs

When you rank upon a star…

In celebration of Disney Dummies x Pixar Pals crossing our 100th episode, we decided to make one last crossover with Ranked doing what we do best! In this episode, we’re taking on the enchanting task of ranking music that has captured the minds and hearts of Disney Dummies across the world. From heartfelt ballads to magical melodies, we’re diving into the music that has defined generations and sparked countless singalongs. So join Tuong La and Disney Dummies x Pixar Pals Laura Gordon, Samantha Leggatt, and Bradley Sales as they step up onto Pride Rock, rub a magic genie lamp, and rank Top 5 Disney Songs.

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Disney Dummies 100th Episode Spectacular

We are taking a brief intermission on Pixar Shorties to give you a very special episode of Disney Dummies! That’s right! We have been doing this magical podcast for 100 episodes now and thought we would do it with the bang of a thousand Disney fireworks. This week, we have our final crossover episode with Ranked as we embark on our most difficult discussion topic yet – ranking Top 5 Disney Songs! From hopeful “I Want” songs to dastardly “Villain” songs to bodacious Ballads, the Dummies have their work cut out for them as they take on this herculean task to turn this into a Top 5 list. We also may or may not have a couple of surprise guests sent down from Mickey mouse himself to chyme in…

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DD30 – Beauty and the Beast (1991)

It should come as no surprise that a tale as old as time should be just as good thirty years later. The Dummies invite you to be our guest as we journey from a little town (it’s a quiiiiet village!) to an enchanted castle and take on one of Disney’s all-time classics, Beauty and the Beast.

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E46 – Bwah Bwah Bwah Bwaaaaaahhhhhh! (Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Reboot)

On this explosive episode of The Improv Punch Up, we have the A-Team’s very own Samantha Leggatt joining ALL THREE Punch-Up hosts! This week we see what the MCU can bring to the opening of The Beauty and the Beast, discover if the lions of Pride Rock really need Simba, and Enzo gets what he always wanted for his birthday…. A “Yo MaMa Battle”!

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