
Dreamroots 6

Festspeel, by Vincent Lauzon
I hope you enjoy this fantasy short story by the author of Oneiric and The Moth Collection, which I found while cataloguing sources in the data mines of ancient online giant Google. TT

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PP22 – Onward (2020)

In a world of dungeons, dragons, and classic teenage high school drama, it’s tough being an elf who just wants to fit in – and as the Pals will learn in Onward, overenthusiastic older brothers don’t exactly make things any easier. But while it can take a lot of imagination to get past a sibling’s seemingly embarrassing hobbies or odd quirks to embrace them for who they are, in the end, their own extraordinary imagination might turn out to be the best thing about them.

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130. The Food of J.R.R. Tolkien ft. Emma Lanza

This week, host Teffer Adjemian (@tefferbear) chats with special guest Emma Lanza about the food of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings! We’re talking books, movies, AND animated adaptations, with apologies to the book purists out there, because, let’s be real, visual depictions of fictional food are wonderful and worth exploring too! What the heck are “seed cake” and “lembas bread?” What can Bilbo Baggins teach us about hospitality? Is Samwise Gamgee the ultimate salt-loving bisexual icon?

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Ep 89 – The Green Knight (2021) with Gisela Peters

“O greatest of Kings, let one of your knights try to land a blow against me. Indulge me in this game.”

This week join Tuong and medieval, fantasy, poetry fan Gisela Peters as they find out that playing a game with a big, mysterious, and spooky Groot-looking dude with a giant ax is not as cracked up to be in 2021’s The Green Knight.

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Ep 66 – Raya and The Last Dragon (2021) with Kalvin Nhan

“It may feel impossible, but sometimes, you just have to take the first step”

Over the last couple of films, Disney Princesses have started to move away from the formula of being the damsel in distress and having to have big sweeping romantic love stories. With Disney’s latest film, we (finally) get another capable female warrior princess set in a beautiful South-Eastern inspired backdrop with gorgeous action scenes and dragons! So is it any good? This week join Tuong La and Real Life Dragon Kalvin Nhan (Trà Time) as they discuss Disney’s latest animated adventure – Raya and The Last Dragon!

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Happy Halloween!

How’d We Get Here? HORROR is back with bonus episode 13! Travel to a modest San Francisco walk-up in Troll, then to the beautiful town of Nilbog (Troll 2) before listening to The Spookies, one of the oldest and most prestigious awards given in the Horror genre.

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89 – Top 5 Dragons

If there is one thing we can agree on collectively, it’s that Dragons are pretty frickin’ cool. Something about these fire-breathing, scaly, giant flying lizards has endured throughout our history, literature, and mythology. This week join Tuong and Daring Dragon Riders, Justin Godelie, Shannon Godelie, and Dan Foerster as they take to the skies and reign down a fiery Top 5 Dragons list!

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