the mummy

134 – Top 5 Terrible Movies That Are Good

So bad it’s good.

Movies are a lot of things to people but the main thing it’s for is to entertain the audience. It turns out “entertainment” can come in different forms. Some movies are objectively bad but others find ways to cross that threshold of being bad and becoming something that we can’t help but love it. We know it’s not great but we can’t look away. It’s like that fast food burger you know you aren’t supposed to have but you end up ordering them every time your drunk or hangry. Our guilty pleasures if you will. So Join Tuong and Guilty Pleasures Samantha Leggatt, Tina Wallace, and Victoria Luloff as they rank Top 5 Terrible Movies That Are Good!

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Ep 51 – The Mummy (1999) with Victoria Lulloff

Way before Tom Cruise got his tiny hands on this beloved franchise for the Dark Universe (remember the Dark universe?), there was the movie that made Brendan Fraser into an…

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