Gotta Rank’Em All!
Since the 90’s Pokémon has dominated pop culture with no plans on slowing down. As of today, there have been nine generations of Pokémon but depending when you grew up, you know there’s a certain attachment and fondness for the first generation you were exposed to. In our case, it’s the original 151! So join Tuong and the other members of the Elite Four Angus MacDonald, Sarah MacDonald, and Samantha Leggatt as they seek out to be the very best (like no one ever was) and rank all 151 of the first generation Pokémon in an ordered list!
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Ground Rules
- We are ranking the first generation of Pokémon in an ordered list (all 151 of them starting from Bulbasaur to Mew)
- Obviously it’s super subjective but we will rank them based on how we feel about them on a combination of how they are portrayed in the show, game, movies, etc.
- We will NOT rank them based on any new changes that happened with the original 151 in the newer generations (ie mega evolutions or Alolan forms).
- The way we approached this episode is that we named each Pokémon and had everyone give a gut check if they are in the Bronze Tier, Silver Tier, and Gold tier. Depending on how the group responded we would put them in these ‘buckets’ or the ‘limbo buckets’ (ie the spaces in between bronze, silver, or gold) to assist with our ranking and ordering. See full list below for our list and Poké-method to this madness!