
135 – Top 5 Fictional Drugs

Say no to drugs (unless you are ranking them).

After a well deserved break in the PodCavern, we are back to full power to do what we do best on this show – ranking!

Drugs can be a hard thing to talk about as the word often has some mixed connotations to it. That’s why we won’t pretend we are experts on the real thing and will rank drugs based on things we DO know – FICTION! So this week join Tuong and The Sonar Network/That’s How I Remember It’s Michael Mongiardi, John Richardson, and Raul Delgado as they get high on life and inject a Top 5 Fictional Drugs list into your veins/ears.

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126 – Top 5 Fictional Robots

Initiating Top 5 Protocol 0010101.

Beep boop beep! Some of the most memorable characters in fiction are machines. The way they move, talk, perform functions that are simultaneously grand and wondrous has always been an appeal about them. On the other hand, almost everything is run by a computer chip these days and engineers are doing their best to replicate what we liked about robots in fiction and bring it into the real world (to often terrifying results). The thing that is missing from real life robots is the charm, wonder, and several degrees of separation from our reality that come with fictional machines! So join Tuong and Constant Struggle Podcast/Improv Niagara’s Brie Watson, Nick Watson, and Aaron Boyd as they compute themselves a Top 5 Fictional Robots list! 

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Episode 5 – Loss

  Featuring Geoffrey Cork (The Beaverton, Partytown), Kat Letwin (CBC’s The Amazing Gayl Pile, Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons) and CJ (Canadian Comedy Award-winner). The panel discusses the existence of a hypothetical “Waluigi’s Mansion,”…

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62 – Top 5 Fictional Worlds to Live In PREDUX

Wait a sec…haven’t we done this episode already?

All the way hidden in the shadowy depths of the PodCavern, there was an episode that was sealed away due to it’s over-complicated ground rules that ultimately created a list which did not represent the original spirit of the topic! This week we finally release that episode from it’s year long shackles and bring you Top 5 Fictional Worlds to live In PREDUX featuring your host Tuong La and the A-Team Leslie Cserepy, Angus MacDonald, and Samantha Leggatt!

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