my hero academia

133 – Top 5 Anime Intro Songs

One of the best things about anime…the openings!

In a vast sea of anime out there, it’s difficult to figure out what show to watch next. Lucky enough, one of the best ways is through it’s opening where it often has the best animation, a great look at what the show will be about, and above all else, a catchy earworm tune that will keep you coming back for more! So join Tuong and Anime Waifus Amanda Parker, Ethan Howieson, and Adam Cunning as they belt their way through ranking a Top 5 Anime Intro Songs list!

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105 – Top 5 Old People Who Could Kick Your Ass

Age is just a number, especially to these butt-woopin’ seniors.

When we think of old people it is easy to immediately imagine that stereotype of a feeble hunched-back, white-haired individual that’s slowly shuffling along with their walking cane and shaking their fist at kids. Well today’s nominees completely shatter that stereotype in such a way that if you were to ever compare them to it, you would wish you never mentioned it. Join Tuong La and Ass Kicking Experts Kristine Shadid, Paul JP, and Amanda Parker as they clench their butts while talking about Top 5 Old People Who Could Kick Your Ass!

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97 – Top 5 Anime Shows for Beginners

**Pushes glasses up while smirking**

Japanese Animation, or Anime, has always been popular but only for a niche audience. Only in the last decade has it hit the mainstream in a big way where gone are the days (well…mostly) when people stick up their noses when you tell them you watch anime! But what if you haven’t dipped your toes into this incredibly popular format yet and you have no idea where to start? Well choosing a starter anime show just got easier ! Join Tuong La and Spiky Haired Magic Teen Fighters Axandre Lemours, Whitney, and Kalvin Nhan as they raise their power levels to over 9000 and “Rank-sengans” a Top 5 Anime Shows for Beginner List!

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