
E30: Tracking polar bear movements with Camille Jodouin

Polar bears are incredible animals native to the Arctic and manage the feat of being both adorable and fearsome. Camille Jodouin is doing her Master’s at University of Alberta studying how polar bears move around the sea ice in Hudson Bay and how that affects their populations. Katie and Vinny share science facts about X and Y chromosomes and the failed American version of the CERN particle accelerator.

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E29: Coexisting in periodic environments with Alexa Scott

There are always competitive pressures in nature. Alexa Scott studies how species in competition with each other are affected by environments that have a natural cycle, like the tide or seasons, at the University of Guelph. Katie and Vinny talk about attracting mosquitos and what a supercomputer has to do with the moon’s origin.

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E28: Clocking the impacts of circadian rhythms with Cassandra Goldfarb

Our circadian rhythms regulate our lives: how we sleep, when we eat, and our energy levels throughout the day. Cassandra Goldfarb is a PhD student investigating chronotypes in the psychology department of Concordia University. Vinny and Katie share science facts about the Voyager satellites and fish sounds.

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E19: Scaring Lamprey Using Sound with Victoria Heath

Sea Lamprey are an invasive species in the Great Lakes. Our guest Victoria Heath works in marine labs doing research into chasing them out of sensitive areas using sounds that don’t harm the environment. Vinny and Katie share the latest research about babies and moon dirt.

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E11: Preventing Poultry Pecking using Probiotics with Claire Mindus

Given the modern reality of industrial farming, Animal Scientists are always looking for ways to raise animals with as little suffering as possible. Chickens often peck each other and pluck out each other’s feathers when placed under stress. Claire Mindus joins us to discuss how to reduce chicken stress with probiotics. Vinny and Katie talk about elephants and mitochondria.

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E10: Capturing Carbon with Coffee Waste with Alivia Mukherjee

People around the world drink a LOT of coffee and all those grounds go somewhere, often into our garbage dumps. What if we could use it for something other than compost? Our guest Alivia Mukherjee is studying a way to sequester carbon dioxide using coffee grounds to help mitigate climate change. Vinny and Katie talk about Spirit Bears and drilling holes on Mars.

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E09: Repairing Nerves Using Spider Silk with Lizzie Baker

Bioengineering is the field of using and modifying natural processes to produce new materials. This week’s guest, Lizzie Baker, bioengineered a new kind of spider silk to promote the growth of nerves and treat spinal cord injuries. Vinny and Katie share facts about space clocks and hybrid animals.

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E05: Chasing Glaciers with Amanda Kotila

This week we meet researcher Amanda Kotila, who is studying glacier retreat, which is the process of how glaciers melt and get smaller. Katie and Vinny talk about fires in winter and decapitated worms.

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E04: Watching Bacteria Poop Nitrogen with Sujani Gomes

This week we meet Sujani Gomes who is solving “The Mysterious Case of Bacteria and Nitrogen”. Vinny and Katie talk about wolves saving lives and wiggling tubes.

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E01: Building Hearts from Blood with Ida Derish

Our first episode! Meet grad student Ida Derish who is working to use blood cells to repair broken hearts. Katie and Vinny also talk cicadas and planets. If you want…

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