
74 – Top 5 Movies of the 2010 Decade

10 years of movies, that can’t be THAT hard to Rank right?…right?
The 2010 decade is coming to an end and, looking back, the movie landscape has shifted and changed drastically in the last 10 years. The Twenty-Tens gave rise to streaming, obligatory sequels, reboots, and shared universes; while many smaller indie films struggled to break through the box office. The amount of content we face these days is endless so coming with a list of our favorites was a tough one (especially since it’s been such a great decade for movies).  So join us as Tuong La and Sassy Cinephiles Taylor Fleming, Stephanie Ridgeway, and Sean Mulhern pull out all their movie knowledge and rank down the behemoth of a list that is Top 5 Movies of the 2010 Decade!

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73 – Top 5 Budget Beers

The best cheap beer that money can buy.

Budget beers have been a staple for students, parties, camping, sports, and so much more since the dawn of beer. However, these days it’s all about fancy ‘shmancy’ craft beers that are intricately poured with just the right amount of hops and unique flavors, which has been leaving our dear old friends ignored on that beer fridge shelf. Well not today! Today we celebrate cheap beers because sometimes money is tight and sometimes because we just want to have a damn inexpensive beer that gets the job done! Join Tuong La and Beer Buds Justin Godelie, Shannon Godelie, and Dan Foerster as they break out some cold ones and rank Top 5 Budget Beers!

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72 – Top 5 Aliens

We Rank in Peace, Earthlings.
Space. Another frontier of fictional characters we have not yet fully explored on Ranked yet. As we try to still discover life outside our small little blue planet called Earth in the real world, we can at least rely on fiction to come up with some other worldly creatures to pit against each other on a Top 5 list. Join Tuong La and Exotic Extraterrestials Rich Hilborn, Chelsea Fahey, and Angus MacDonald as they beam up and probe out a Top 5 Aliens list.

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71 – Top 5 Things Featuring Zombies

Zombies aka The Living Dead aka Biters aka Creepers aka (a thousand other ghoulish names) has permeated mainstream culture in a big way for decades, especially when George A. Romero launched his vision of what we perceive as the “modern zombie” today. Whether it’s your slow shuffling zombie to your horrifyingly fast flesh eating zombie, there has been a number of different haunted takes throughout all types of fiction and mediums. On this year’s Spookifying Halloween special of Ranked, join Tuong La and Undead Creepers Angus MacDonald. Samantha Leggatt, and Taylor Fleming as they celebrate these pop-culture monsters, eat the brains of the living, and come up with the Top 5 Things Featuring Zombies.

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70 – Top 5 Thanksgiving Foods

Gobble Gobble!
It’s that time of year again where friends and family gather around and give thanks to the Turkey/Tofurkey gods! But whether you like Turkey or not, there is no denying that Thanksgiving has turned into a tradition where families bring out their A-game for dinner. This week join Tuong La  and Food pilgrims Geoff McBride, Jesse Preece, and Desiree Connors Warmington as they brace their stomachs for turkey-itis and rank Top 5 Thanksgiving Foods!

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69 – Top 5 Fruits

Mmm nature’s candy…

Nothing beats that sweet delicious flavor you get from snacking on your favourite fruit. Not only do they have a mouth watering unbeatable taste to them but they also contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals to keep your body healthy! You can juice em up, you can put them in a pie, you can make a kick ass cocktail with them – they got versatility for days! Join Tuong La and Fruity Patootie’s Colleen Wang, Victoria Luloff, and Leslie Cserepy as they take a nice long juicy bite into making a Top 5 Fruits list!

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68 – Top 5 Interesting People You’ve Never Heard About

History may have forgotten them, but we haven’t.

Thanks to the internet and some high school classes, there have been historical people and their accomplishments that have stood the test of time. However, most of the time there are amazing individuals who slip through the cracks and are forgotten forever….until now! This week join Tuong La and Wikipedia Wizards Sarah Finn, Catherine Ballachey, and Axandre Lemours who put their Googling skills to the test as they research and rank Top 5 Interesting People You’ve Never Heard About.

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67 – Top 5 Soft Drinks

Hear that? That’s the satisfying sound you get when you pop open a fizzy drink of goodness that’s about to be chugged down. Over the years, there has been a plethora of flavoured, syrupy, sugary, carbonated/uncarbonated soft drinks that has hit the shelves – some great and some that make you question your life.  BUT as always there can be only five that reign supreme! Join Tuong La and Unhealthy Human Beings Angus MacDonald, Matt Barrow, and Leslie Cserepy as they bring drink samples to the table and make themselves nauseous as they rank Top 5 Soft Drinks!

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66 – Top 5 Movie Theme Songs

*Cue opening title crawl*
Movie themes have become an integral part of the movie experience, even though they sometimes can be overshadowed by the film it’s representing.  When done right, the theme can be as iconic as the film itself turning a good movie into one that is remembered for all time. This week join Tuong La and the A-Team Samantha Leggatt, Angus MacDonald, and Leslie Cserepy as they try not to scream at each other while coming up with the best Top 5 Movie Theme Songs.

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65 – Top 5 Captains

Arrr matey! Here be some fine Captains!
Every good crew needs a good leader. A leader who can make the hard call, bring a team together, and step up to the cause when needed. Throughout history we have witnessed real-life & fictional captains take to the sea, the skies, and even SPACE to inspire us and steer us on to glory! This week join Tuong La and First Mates Sarah Ghadbane, Angus MacDonald, and Laura Gordon as they sail the seven seas to celebrate the Top 5 Best Captains!

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