
98 – Top 5 Iconic Movie Lines

“They may take our lives, but they’ll never take away our Top 5 Lists!”

Part of the staying power of a movie is an expertly delivered movie line. When all things about a movie are firing on all cylinders (the music, the shot composition, the delivery, etc.) it can set up a perfect moment for a movie line that lives with us well after the credits roll. So this week, join Tuong La and ‘My Wiiifes’ Angus MacDonald, Nathan Hartswick, and Annie Russel as they combine their cinema brains together and make a Top 5 Iconic Movie Lines list!

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97 – Top 5 Anime Shows for Beginners

**Pushes glasses up while smirking**

Japanese Animation, or Anime, has always been popular but only for a niche audience. Only in the last decade has it hit the mainstream in a big way where gone are the days (well…mostly) when people stick up their noses when you tell them you watch anime! But what if you haven’t dipped your toes into this incredibly popular format yet and you have no idea where to start? Well choosing a starter anime show just got easier ! Join Tuong La and Spiky Haired Magic Teen Fighters Axandre Lemours, Whitney, and Kalvin Nhan as they raise their power levels to over 9000 and “Rank-sengans” a Top 5 Anime Shows for Beginner List!

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96 – Top 5 Cryptids

Squatchin’ for the truth!

The world is full of mysterious creatures and humankind has done a bang up job discovering a lot of them. However, there are so many creatures yet to be found, that have been shrouded in a shade of mystery, and eluding us at every turn. That’s right, we are talking about Cryptids! This week join Tuong La and Sasquatch’s Cousins Spencer Dunn, Cas Knihnisky, and Kate Ethier as they uncover the missing link that is Top 5 Cryptids!

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95 – Top 5 Science Fiction Technology

Beam me up Scotty!

The world of science fiction has introduced some truly amazing futuristic tech gizmos that real life technology always seemed so dull in comparison. It is no wonder that scientists and tech geeks have done their darndest to recreate some of this sci-fi tech in the real world (to some varying success). This week, join Tuong La and The Constant Struggle’s Brie Watson, Nick Watson, and Dan Dingwall as they warp speed ahead to creating a Top 5 Science Fiction Technology list!

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94 – Top 5 Iconic Death Scenes in Movies

Pouring one out for all the movie deaths on the big screen.
Death scenes in movies can be one of the most effective ways to keep the spirit of the film alive after it ends. A good movie death can range from gruesome, to heartbreakingly sad, to downright hilarious. Either way, when done right, it can make the audience elicit an emotion that connects ourselves to the movie and it’s characters for years to come. Join Tuong La and That’s How I Remember It/Sonar Network’s Michael Mongiardi, John Richardson, and Raul Delgado as they relive the most memorable demises in cinema and rank Top 5 Iconic Death Scenes in Movies.

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93 – Top 5 Celebrity Facial Hair

If you really ‘mustache’, yes this episode is all about facial hair.

Facial hair has always had the qualities of completely transforming a person. When used correctly, celebrities can often shift their entire look for different roles and situations to be from good looking to DAMN good looking, leaving the rest of us patchy, uneven, peach fuzzed ‘stached shlubs to shame. Join Tuong and Facial Hair Gawkers Justin Godelie, Shannon Godelie, and Laura Gordon as they romanticize the hairiness of famous people and rank Top 5 Celebrity Facial Hair.

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92 – Top 5 Emojis

This week’s episode >>> The Emoji Movie.

Emoji’s have been around for over the last 20 years and have been on a steady incline of popularity. These electronic/digital ideograms have completely taken over how we speak to each other in the modern era and inject a sense of personality and emotion into our messages that normal words cannot do as seamlessly. So this week join Tuong La and Living Emoticons Victoria Lulloff , Kristine Shadid, and Amanda Parker as they communicate and translate their feelings digitally to make a Top 5 Emojis list!

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91 – Top 5 Foods For A Backyard BBQ Party

Suns out, grills out!

Who doesn’t love a backyard BBQ party in the middle of the summer? The joys of sunshine, good company, and great food make backyard BBQ parties some of the best times you can have all year! So join Tuong La and The Upford Network’s Kendalyn Aldridge, Damian Duvain, and Tom Zalatnai as they put their minds and stomachs together to grill up a Top 5 Foods For a Backyard BBQ Party list!

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90 – Top 5 Smells

Take a whiff outta this list!

Fun fact: people can detect at least one trillion distinct scents (It’s true! We Googled this)! Not only is Smell one of the most powerful senses, it is also the most primal and layered sense where it can elicit an ultra-wide variation of emotion depending how your particular nose detects a scent. So join Tuong La and Stink Sniffers Angus MacDonald, Samantha Leggatt, and Leslie Cserepy as they waft the best aromas into their noses and rank Top 5 Smells!

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89 – Top 5 Dragons

If there is one thing we can agree on collectively, it’s that Dragons are pretty frickin’ cool. Something about these fire-breathing, scaly, giant flying lizards has endured throughout our history, literature, and mythology. This week join Tuong and Daring Dragon Riders, Justin Godelie, Shannon Godelie, and Dan Foerster as they take to the skies and reign down a fiery Top 5 Dragons list!

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