
173 – Top 5 Pixar Movies

It is another CROSSOVER special in today’s episode of Ranked! If you don’t already know the Disney Dummies went on a mission to watch every single Disney Animated Feature in chronological order, discuss them at length, argue about the merits of the movie, shared fun facts, talked about which characters had f*ck energy, and so much more. They eventually caught up and are still on the Disney Train, but needed a second challenge. That challenge was Pixar and so Disney Dummies x Pixar Pals was born and the cycle started again! Flash forward again to present day where they have ALSO caught up to Pixar as well and the time again is now to make a definitive list of which movies are the best! So join the Pixar Pals (Tuong La, Laura Gordon, Samantha Leggatt, and Brad Sales) as they get those snakes outta their boots and rank Top 5 Pixar Movies!

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59 – Top 5 Marvel Cinematic Universe Moments

22 films that we love 3000!

11 years ago there was an idea, an idea to create a shared universe of remarkable movies based on comic books that would change everything in pop-culture and cinema as we know it. Like it or not, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is not only the largest franchise in movie history but also has redefined genres, reinvigorated comics, and inspired people all over the world. With Avengers: Endgame, we have finally seen the “Infinity Saga” come to and end, and while there are more comic book movies that will surely come out, we have truly reached an end of an era. This week join Tuong La and the Assembled Avengers Matt Barrow, Stenley Philippe, and Stephen Peeling as they celebrate the last 11 years of MCU movies and use the Infinity Gauntlet to snap together a Top 5 list of the best moments!

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Ep 12 – Hellboy, Shazam!, Avengers: Endgame

What could be the craziest month’s for Nerd Culture in recent history, Tuong La and Pull the Plug’s Justin Godelie step up to the plate and talk about all the juicy things that came out in April! Join them as they go to hell and never return watching the newest Hellboy, zap into magical supermen discussing Shazam!, and see the Infinity Saga come to an end chattin’ about Avengers: Endgame!

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58 – Top 5 Super Powers

Ranking Super Powers is our Endgame.

Today we are celebrating 11 years of the MCU and superhero pop culture by giving our take on an aged old question: “What are the best super powers?”. Face it, even the most jaded comic book sneerer wishes they can get up and fly out of bed, transform into a fire breathing lizard, or shoot lasers out of their eyes! This week join Tuong La and New Mutants Justin Godelie, Dan Foerster, and Angus MacDonald as they put on the Infinity Gauntlet and materialize their take on the Top 5 best super powers!

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54 – Top 5 Movies of 2018

Wait a sec.. Green book? That can’t be right..

[Warning: This episode contains some minor spoilers]

The Academy has had one of it’s most controversial years yet. Just when you think they finally “get it” they manage to take one step forward and two steps back. From everything surrounding the hosting, to subtracting and re-adding categories to the main program, to the Best Movie they chose, it’s clear that this whole awards show is kind of a hot mess. However, it’s not all cloudy skies! While this year may not have had the strongest line up of movies, it still gave us some real humdingers which we are here today to share with you! Join Tuong La and True Oscar Winners Desiree Connors Warmington, Taylor Fleming, and Leslie Cserepy as they celebrate PodCavern & Ranked’s second birthday, and rank the Top 5 Movies of 2018!

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32 – Top 5 Marvel Cinematic Movies (So Far)

The day of Infinity War as finally arrived!

10 years ago Marvel started a revolution for comic book nerds around the world with the very first Iron Man. What followed was the birth of a cinematic universe that has dominated today’s pop culture. Through 18 movies, they have been slowly building the foundation of the biggest comic book event since…well ever. To celebrate this momentous occasion, join Tuong La as he gathers the Infinity Stones with the help of Stenley Philippe, Stephen Peeling, and Glen Barlas as they look back and rank the very best Marvel Movies leading up to Avengers: Infinity War.

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